Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Visit our new website at !!!
D.R.E.A.M. System, LLC is ran by Roger Singh. Roger Singh is a first generation American born citizen out of New York, but parents are from Trinidad and Tobago. That made Mr. Singh's travels throughout Guyana almost like being home since both countries are very similar in culture. "I would love nothing more than to bring economic relief to Guyana through its mining sector", Roger stated.Mr. Singh spoke of the great enthusiasm of the locals and the government officials he meet with while being in Guyana. Mr. Singh has worked closely with such government bodies as Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) and Guyana Office for Investment (GO-Invest) which is the local agency that was set up to provide a comprehensive service to potential investors and to exporters. "I would like to give a big thank you to all those Guyanese that has given DREAMS the confidence to invest in Guyana", said Roger.In the upcoming year of 2011, D.R.E.A.M. System, LLC hopes to be the largest land owner in Guyana. Currently DREAMS has close to 100,000 acres! I encourage any serious investors that are interested in Guyana land to contact DREAMS. Also, you may want to look out for the launch of DREAMS television commercials in the beginning of the new year.
Signing off for now,Vivian Pace from the Office of DREAM System, LLC
Monday, November 29, 2010
New Debt Crisis Can Increase Gold Prices
A belated "Happy Thanksgiving!" — from our family to yours!
Sadly, though, even while most Americans were enjoying the holiday or hitting the malls, much of Europe was sinking deeper into a new, more severe phase of its sovereign debt crisis.
This crisis is unfolding despite Herculean rescues by the European Union, the International Monetary Fund and the U.S. Federal Reserve.
It's striking right now.
And it's threatening to spread to all of the world's big debtor nations, including the biggest of all — the United States.
Hard Evidence from Global Markets
This conclusion is not merely my analysis or forecast.
It's the collective opinion of global investors who, at this very moment, are scrambling to buy insurance against bond defaults by major governments.
Think of it like life insurance:
When the premiums are cheap, it's because the country has a clean bill of health.
When the premiums start rising, it means there's growing evidence of fiscal disease.
And when premiums skyrocket to obscenely high levels, you can be darn certain the country's Treasury is on its death bed, threatening to take down the government ... sabotage its economy ... and, inevitably, impoverish its people.
That's precisely the situation the Irish find themselves in today. Their economy is sinking fast. Their two largest banks — the equivalent of our Bank of America and Citigroup — have just gone under. The Prime Minister is resigning. Millions of citizens are sinking into poverty. And yesterday's final agreement on a $113 billion European rescue package will not change that reality.
Moreover, their crisis is a stark warning for all U.S. investors. So you'd better understand exactly what's happening and why ...
The Real Trauma of The Irish Debt Crisis
Default insurance is the telltale indicator.
And right now, the cost of insuring €10 million of 5-year Irish government bonds against default has skyrocketed — to an extremely high €600,000.
That's 55 percent more than it cost for the same insurance in the aftermath of the Lehman Brothers failure — a time when it seemed the

It's 50 percent more than the cost of insuring equivalent Greek debt at the peak of Greece's first round of financial difficulties earlier this year.
It's at least DOUBLE the cost of insuring the debts of deeply troubled lesser nations like Romania, Lebanon, Latvia, and even Iceland.
Most shocking of all, today's €600,000 price tag for Irish default insurance is higher than it was BEFORE the European Union and IMF first announced their intent to engineer a $113 billion rescue for Ireland just eight days ago.
Earlier this year, when Europe announced a similar bailout for Greece, traders in this kind of insurance — credit default swaps — gave Greece at least a 30-day reprieve. Now, they've given Ireland no more than three days.
Investors obviously don't believe promises by politicians anymore.
Clearly, the Debt Crisis Is Accelerating.
Clearly, the Bailouts Are Not Working!
The European authorities had hoped that, as soon as their massive, supposedly "definitive" Irish bailout package was announced, investors would jump for joy. Instead, investors have done precisely the opposite.
The authorities had hoped that the premiums on government bond default insurance would come down dramatically. Instead, the premiums have gone higher, as I've just shown you.
The authorities had hoped that Irish bond yields would come down sharply, helping to avert a disastrous, additional interest burden for the government. Instead, bond investors have dumped Irish bonds with both hands, driving their prices down and yields up.
Exactly seven days ago, on the morning after the big bailout announcement, the yield on Ireland's benchmark 10-year government bond was near 8 percent. Now, it has surged by more than a full percentage point to 9.17 percent. That extra interest cost alone threatens to eat up a big chunk of the bailout money.
The authorities had hoped — and prayed — that their earlier bailout of Greece would have been enough to contain the cancer. Instead, it has metastasized and spread — not only to Ireland, but also to Spain and Portugal.
Right now, the cost of insuring against a default on Spanish and Portuguese bonds is at new, all-time highs, far surpassing the levels reached earlier this year when the Greek debt crisis was first exploding.
Even Greece itself, which the authorities thought was largely cured, is back in the emergency room.

But this time, all life support systems are in serious doubt. And this time, investors are in open rebellion against the spin doctors.
The facts: At the height of the last Greek debt crisis — on February 8, 2010, to be exact — the cost of insuring a €10 million 5-year Greek government bond reached a peak of €420,855.
But last week, the cost on the exact same instrument had surged above €1,000,000!
That's like shelling out an outrageous $50,000 for a term life insurance policy that pays no more than $500,000 in death benefits.
Why so expensive? Because investors now realize that austerity, no matter how necessary, can never be a quick ticket to fiscal balance.
In fact, the more the Greek government has cut spending, the more its economy has sunk. Ditto for Ireland and other countries.
Urgent Lessons for All U.S. Investors
Even if you've never invested a penny in Europe — and even if you've never set foot outside the United States — this new phase of the debt crisis has far-reaching implications and lessons for you and your family ...Lesson #1 America Is Definitely NOTImmune to the Contagion
For 2011, the Bank for International Settlements estimates that Portugal's and Spain's government debts will be 99 percent and 78 percent of GDP, respectively.
But for the same year, U.S. government debts will be 91 percent of GDP.
Thus, by this measure, America's debt burden is similar to
Portugal's and bigger than Spain's — two countries that are ALREADY victims of the sovereign debt crisis.
Yes, the U.S. dollar is the world's reserve currency.
And, yes, that gives Washington the ability to print money with impunity ... press other rich countries to accept its debts ... and borrow huge amounts abroad to finance its deficits.
But that's more of a curse than a blessing!
It means that, more so than any other major nation on the planet, the U.S. government is beholden to investors overseas — often the same investors who have repeatedly attacked Greece and Ireland this year.
Ultimately, that could make the U.S. even more vulnerable than Europe.
Lesson #2 Governments CANNOT End a Debt Crisis by Piling on Still
MORE DebtEurope tried by announcing a Greek bailout earlier this year ... and it failed miserably.
Europe tried again by expanding the Greek bailout to a $1 trillion fund for all euro-zone countries. But that effort is also failing. In fact, just one more bailout — for Spain — could wipe out the fund.
And now, even before Europe has figured out precisely how the bailout fund is to be used, there was new talk in high circles this weekend of expanding it even further — another desperate attempt to "reassure investors."
But again, it is not working.
In fact, the more money Europe throws at the crisis, the more investors seem to recoil in horror.
Investors can now see, as plain as day, how past rescues have backfired.
They can see how the debt disasters can't be papered over with bailouts or printed money.
And they KNOW that money printing can only gut the currency they're investing in — be it the dollar or the euro!
In either case — bailout or no bailout — bond investors want out.
Lesson #3 Before a Government Debt Crisis Can Be Ended, It Must
In order to slash deficits ...
Governments must impose austerity — deep cutbacks in spending, tax hikes, or both ...
The austerity inevitably drives the economy into a tailspin, and ...
The economic tailspin always causes even LARGER deficits!
It's only after years of fiscal discipline and collective belt-tightening that this vicious cycle is ended and balance is restored.
That's why the cutbacks in Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and Spain are, in the near term, making the crisis even worse. And it's also why a similar vicious cycle is now looming in the U.S., as the new Congress seeks to slash the deficit.
Lesson #4 The Great Debt Crisis Of 2008 Never Ended!
Politicians talk about the U.S. debt crisis of 2008 ... the Detroit bankruptcy crisis of 2009 ... the European sovereign debt crisis of early 2010 ... the Greek debt tragedy ... the Irish debt mess ... the California budget debacle ... the U.S. municipal bond collapse ... and more.
Then, they talk about the urgent need to make a show of resolve to bail out the world — to stop the "contagion" from spreading from one sector or region to the next.
But these are not separate, isolated disasters. Nor is the contagion of fear the true source of the problem.
Instead, what we are experiencing is one, single, integral debt crisis that never ended.
It is one crisis that has spread from the U.S. to Europe and beyond ... morphed from a private-sector banking crisis to a public-sector government debt crisis ... grown in scope and power ... and begun to drive the large debtor nations on a collision course beyond anyone's control.
Lesson #5 The New Phase of the Debt Crisis Can Bring Surging Interest Rates
I showed you how the yields on Ireland's 10-year notes have surged from 8 to 9.17 percent in just a few days. Yields in other European nations have shot up as well.
Meanwhile, I assume you've seen how, despite the Fed's massive bond purchases, U.S. Treasury yields have also moved higher.
And you've seen even bigger jumps in U.S. municipal bond yields.
This is just the beginning.
And for the near future at least, rising interest rates could be a game-changer — for real estate, for the U.S. economy, and for many financial markets.
Investors aren't dumb. When they see a new phase of the debt crisis, they rush from risk to safety.
So don't be surprised if we get deeper corrections in those markets that rose in recent months — U.S. stocks, precious metals, key commodities, and several foreign currencies.
There will always be exceptions. But my recommendation is the same as last week's: Take profits off the table. Build cash. Focus on safety.
This investment news is brought to you by Money and Markets. Money and Markets is a free daily investment newsletter from Martin D. Weiss and Weiss Research analysts offering the latest investing news and financial insights for the stock market, including tips and advice on investing in gold, energy and oil. Dr. Weiss is a leader in the fields of investing, interest rates, financial safety and economic forecasting. To view archives or subscribe, visit
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
D.R.E.A.M. System, LLC is ran by Roger Singh. Roger Singh is a first generation American born citizen out of New York, but parents are from Trinidad and Tobago. That made Mr. Singh's travels throughout Guyana almost like being home since both countries are very similar in culture.
"I would love nothing more than to bring economic relief to Guyana through its mining sector", Roger stated.
Mr. Singh spoke of the great enthusiasm of the locals and the government officials he meet with while being in Guyana. Mr. Singh has worked closely with such government bodies as Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) and Guyana Office for Investment (GO-Invest) which is the local agency that was set up to provide a comprehensive service to potential investors and to exporters. "I would like to give a big thank you to all those Guyanese that has given DREAMS the confidence to invest in Guyana", said Roger.
In the upcoming year of 2011, D.R.E.A.M. System, LLC hopes to be the largest land owner in Guyana. Currently DREAMS has close to 100,000 acres! I encourage any serious investors that are interested in Guyana land to contact DREAMS. Also, you may want to look out for the launch of DREAMS television commercials in the beginning of the new year.
Signing off for now,
Vivian Pace from the Office of DREAM System, LLC
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Keynesian Theory Applied To Gold Buyers and Gold Sellers
Although no one knows the ultimate cause of business cycles, most economists (even conservative ones) accept Keynes' explanation of what happens during them. In a normal economy, Keynes said, there is a circular flow of money. My spending becomes part of your earnings, and your spending becomes part of my earnings.
For various reasons, however, this circular flow can falter. Suppose that you are experiencing tough times, or see them on the horizon (not to hard to do today). Your natural response is to start hoarding money to make it through. We see this already as Americans are already saving more. This is a primary reason that many of our DREAMS clients buy gold (to hedge their portfolio wealth). There are many possible ways this process might start, all of which are open to argument. It could be a loss of consumer confidence in the economy, perhaps triggered by a visible event like a stock market crash. It could be a natural disaster, such as a drought, earthquake or hurricane. It could be a sudden loss of jobs, or a weak sector of the economy. It could be inequality of wealth, which results in the rich producing a surplus of goods, but leaving the poor too poor to buy them. It could be something intrinsic within the economy which causes it to go through a natural cycle of expansions and contractions. Or it could be the central bank tightening the money supply too much, depriving people of dollars in the first place.
Whatever the reason, let's suppose you decide to hoard money to make it through the hard times ahead. But if you're not spending, then I'm not earning, and in response to my own hard times, I'll start hoarding money as well. This breakdown of the circular flow results in a drop in economic activity, rising unemployment, and a recession. To get the circular flow started again, Keynes suggested that the central bank should expand the money supply. This would put more money in people's hands, inspire consumer confidence, and compel them to start spending again. We can see that Obama tried many times to convince Americans to get out there and start spending. As of August of 2010, that has sputtered to an end.
In the U.S., the central bank is the Federal Reserve System. It expands the money supply by buying U.S. securities on the open market. The money it pays to individual buyers therefore increases the amount of money in circulation. To contract the money supply, the Fed does the opposite: it sells securities. The money it receives from these transactions represents money taken out of circulation. Other methods that the Fed uses to control the money supply include credit restrictions among member banks, changing the prime lending rate, and moral suasion (using its considerable clout to get banks to voluntarily adopt a policy). So the Fed has many tools to expand the money supply -- which one gets used depends on the situation.
In extreme cases like depressions, Keynes suggested that the government should "prime the pump" of the economy, by doing what the people were unwilling to do: spend. (This spending would have to be with borrowed money, obviously, since taxing and spending would not increase the money supply.) Once again, we can see that is what the U.S. government tried to do until the American citizens began to get outraged with their spending habits. Virtually all economists believe that deficit spending on national defense, in preparation for World War II, is what pulled the U.S. and other nations out of the Great Depression, but it has not worked with the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.
Controlling the money supply through the central bank is known as monetary policy. Controlling it through deficit government spending is called fiscal policy.
Now, if expanding the money supply results in increased economic activity, why can't the central bank create prosperity by just printing money as fast as it can? The problem is that this results in inflation. For example, let's suppose the central bank printed so much money that it made every American a millionaire. After everyone retired, they would notice that no more workers or servants are left to do their bidding… so they would attract them by raising their wages, sky-high if necessary. This, of course, is the essence of inflation. Eventually, prices would soar so high that it would no longer mean anything to be a millionaire. Soon, everyone would be back working at their same old jobs.
To fight inflation, the central bank does the opposite: it contracts the money supply. By removing money from the market, people no longer have cash to make the transactions they would normally make. The result is greater unemployment (hhhmmmm). In theory, this type of high unemployment should cause money to deflate. This should happen in two ways. The unemployed person who used to make $10 an hour might agree to take a job for $7 an hour, because something is better than nothing. And a merchant who used to sell widgets for $10 in a better economy might agree to sell them for $7 in a recession, because a sale is better than no sale. So, just like the millionaire example above, the amount of economic activity will readjust itself to the new level of money, and everything will be the same as it was before.
The problem with the second half of this story is that something quite different happens in real life. Money inflates easily and quickly, but it deflates slowly and at great cost. In a downward direction, prices are said to suffer from "price rigidities" or "price stickiness." There are several reasons for this. One is psychological -- people hate to cut their prices and wages. Another is that salaries and wages are often locked into contracts, the average of which is three years. And for many, cutting prices incurs certain costs (reprinting, recalculating, reprogramming, etc.) that may not make the price change seem worth it. Even if they do decide to change prices, it takes many companies quite some time to put them into effect. Sears, for example, has to reprint and re mail all its catalogues. Another likely reason is that entrepreneurs don't want to sell things below cost, so they might wait for their suppliers to cut prices first -- but in a circular economy, everyone would be waiting for everyone else to cut their prices. The penalty for cutting prices first is a profit loss. Furthermore, with reduced sales volume, the unit cost of production is already going up, which only makes price reduction all the more difficult.
But perhaps the most important reason why prices are rigid is because people are nearly rational, not perfectly rational. This is the New Keynesian idea, and it's getting ahead of our story a bit, because this idea only surfaced after the Chicago School's had failed. Still, it's worth noting here for completeness' sake. New Keynesians argue that even though people know they are in a recession, they often don't know how much to deflate their prices and wages to get themselves out of it. They could if they were perfect calculating machines with perfect information, but they're not.
For example, suppose you run an Italian restaurant, and a recession hits. Where should your prices be? The answer would require you to know a wealth of information. One of the most important is how your restaurant competes against all the others in your area -- a true "apples and oranges" comparison, in that these other restaurants are French, Mexican, Chinese, etc., and they all have different profits, clienteles, trends, and advertising campaigns. You will also need to know what the inflation, unemployment and prime lending rates will be. A supercomputer might be able to solve this incredibly complex math problem, but humans cannot. They can only make best guesses. They may have a good idea of the range where their prices should be, but humans are self-interested, and usually err on the top end of this range. As a result, prices tend to resist deflating. This behavior might seem objectively irrational, but fixing it would require turning humans into supercomputers.
Price stickiness means that shrinking the money supply is translated into unemployment, not falling prices. In the days of the gold standard, when the amount of money possessed by a nation equaled its gold supply, an outflow of gold from a nation's treasury was always followed by high unemployment, sometimes even depression, rather than falling prices. The Great Depression was an extreme example of this. By 1933, the U.S. money supply had shrunk by nearly a third. But the Great Depression would drag on for another seven years, with the natural deflation of money proceeding at a glacial pace. It wasn't until World War II that the government was forced to conduct a massive monetary expansion. The result was such explosive economic growth that the U.S. economy doubled in size between 1940 and 1945, the fastest period of growth in U.S. history. Yet another example is Japan in the 1990s. The Japanese economy has been stagnating for five years now, and many economists have criticized the Japanese government for not doing more to expand the money supply. Japan's problems are controversial, but whatever the solution, the important point is that Japan's government has done very little, and its economy has not deflated or adjusted itself -- Japan's economic pain continues five years later.
But slow as it may be, deflation does occur. Many conservatives therefore argue that the economy is self-correcting, and government should leave the money supply alone. Keynes did not deny that slumps were self-correcting in the long run. But he said: "In the long run we are all dead." What he meant by this famous but frequently misunderstood remark is that it makes no sense to wait for catastrophes to correct themselves if social policy can do the job far more quickly.
How does all this relate to national economic policy? Keynesians believe their policies allow the government to take the rough edges off the business cycle. In other words, Keynesian policy is counter-cyclical: when unemployment starts rising, the government expands the money supply; when inflation starts rising, the government contracts the money supply. Another way of putting this is that the government is involved in a balancing act, creating just enough money to cover the natural amount of economic activity, without leaning either towards inflation or unemployment.
Now we apply the Keynesian Theory to gold. Answer, gold will go up in price and it's not because I'm in the business of buying and selling gold. If we simply look at the factor that there is a third party manipulating the "natural" cycle of the economy, they (the U.S. government) will drive the price of gold up. As American citizens realize that they are simple pawns in this game most will strive to get away from the manipulation. Those that are intelligent will trade in their Monopoly money for a world currency. The most recognized currency in the world is gold. Even though the U.S. government means well in removing the rough edges in the business cycle, in time it will reveal to the people that fiat money can be too easily manipulated. Just like in the Keynesian Theory, remember humans are self-interested and tend to err causing gold to resist deflating(refer to the 12th paragraph of this article).
It leads me to simply believe that gold will go up!
Roger Singh of D.R.E.A.M. System, LLC ( writing on the the effect the Keynesian Theory will have on gold prices.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Why Gold Buyers Are So Attracted To Buying Gold?
Our fascination with gold
Gold as a metal has always fascinated people as it has represented wealth, success, and in some cases deities throughout the ages.
In our modern age, as far as it relates to an investment, gold is a somewhat odd metal and vehicle if you want to use it to build wealth.
The reason is is its uses aren't nowhere near in volume as its cousin silver, which has an enormous number of uses, and can be measured in that way when you look to invest in it.
Gold on the other hand, has really only several major uses, and that isn't enough to create the type of demand commodity investors look for.
Gold the political metal
In essence, gold has become a political metal, because it represented in times past a standard and check and balance for those creating paper money. Now that the gold standard has been dropped, it removes the discipline it forced on governments, and so now fiat money is created, and is the cause behind the endless booms and busts we experience in our economies.
Anyway, now gold is primarily looked upon by most investors as a major hedge against inflation and uncertainty; the reason it moves up in price in difficult times, as it has over the last couple years.
Gold Uses
As far as practical uses that create some demand for gold, the major ones are in electronics, dentistry, and Indian weddings. And it may surprise you to know that by far the greatest demand for gold is in connection with Indian weddings.
There are many other uses for gold, but its in small amounts across a variety of industries and in specific situations, which don't produce much demand.
So what does that make gold as an investment? Like I said - unique. For a small but growing number of people, it is being acquired for protection against economic collapse and social unrest.
Indian wedding major source of gold demand
Present Gold Demand
There has been a huge demand for physical gold since the global economic went into the deep recession, and many continue to invest in gold coins and bars as a protection against anything happening.
The reason this is done is because gold is the ultimate currency, and no matter how difficult times get, can be used for trade. You can't say that about paper money which isn't backed by anything any longer, except the 'good will' of the government having the paper money printed out.
Can gold build wealth?
Investing in gold, for the reasons stated above, is difficult to make people rich, as far as gold in and of itself. You can invest in gold coins from a numismatic perspective, but that's different than investing in gold as a commodity.
What has been keeping gold prices from really surging has been a period of forced liquidation, where funds had to sell off their gold because they weren't able to get access to money.
That means that they not only weren't holding on to gold, which they really wanted to, but also weren't investing in it at a time when it usually warrants it.
The attempt to artificially prop up the U.S. dollar has also resulted in gold prices moving up far beyond their current prices, which are still at historic highs, although not when adjusted for inflation.
So at this time, investing in or buying gold in primarily being done for safety reasons, and as a hedge against inflation.
Inflation should push gold prices up for years ahead
With the unbelievable deficit spending by the U.S. government, inflation is going to be a huge factor in the years ahead, as printing of money, by definition, is inflation. And the amount being printed boggles the mind, and will result in the price of gold skyrocketing to protect against the inflation pressures, which will no doubt come upon us.
The unprecedented bailouts by the U.S. government makes this only a matter of when, not if.
So those investing in gold will find themselves possibly enjoying one of the greatest upward gold price movements in history, and will build wealth in a way gold has never been able to do in the past.
Physical gold in big demand- Invest in gold with the long term in mind
There are a number of ways to invest in gold, but I would only focus on the long term trend, and forget about attempting to make a quick killing by trying to predict short term movements, which even the best of day traders aren't able to do very well.
Long term investing in gold is the only way to approach it, and those that do will find themselves in a good position when gold prices start to go up.
Best ways to invest in gold now
So to recap, gold is different that any other commodity because it's the only one that isn't measured by supply and demand, as the amount of demand just isn't enough to move the price of gold.
Gold is valued mostly as a hedge against inflation and safety in times of turmoil. That's where the price point is fixated on, and that's what will drive up the price of gold.
The key indicators are already in place which meets the above two criteria, with economic turmoil raging and inflation about to go out of this world, as the U.S. government just keeps the printing presses going to print out their funny money.
With that in mind, gold may possibly enter an enormous bull run in response to inflationary pressures that could be unprecedented in history, because of the debt being incurred from government intervention into the free markets. Those investing in gold should enjoy great success in response to these realities.
Monday, May 24, 2010
So Where in the Heck is Guyana….and Why Should I Invest There?Guyana (formerly British Guiana) is located on the north east-coast of South America between Venezuela and Suriname, and completely bordered to its south by Brazil. Historic records show that mining for gold from surface deposits began in the Amazon region as early as the 16th century. Since that time, it’s estimated that over 50 million ounces of gold have been extracted from the Amazon as opposed to only 12 million ounces removed from California during the Gold Rush. In the late 1970s, Brazil’s government conducted a sweeping aerial survey of the region. As a result, they helped to confirm the presence of the “Guiana Shield”, an ancient belt of gold-bearing rock extending eastward from Venezuela through Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana and southward into Brazil’s Amazon Basin, and it is historically known to contain prolific Gold resources. The Amazonian Guiana Shield is actually the other half of Africa’s Guiana Shield, which is responsible for the abounding gold and platinum wealth of South Africa and other countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Sometime during the Jurassic period—about 135 million years ago—the once whole Guiana Shield was split into two as plate tectonics tore one large land mass into two. Today we call these two parts South America and Africa. The best part is there are no environmentalists wackos, no EPA, ample water supply, good roads, and gold processed by sluice, water cannons and vacuum pipes. Guyanese Gold Board Wardens certify production and guard shipments. The Guyana Gold Board blesses this type of mining because the jungle will grow back within 6 months.
So in closing, if you are curious about buying gold direct from this mine instead of the “traditional” way then visit my website at and fill out the contact page.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Ten Rules For Gold Dust Buyers & Gold Dust Sellers or
Your Consulting & Vetting Gold Experts
Everyday that goes by, the gold industry intrigues me more and more. Not only is this the hardest industry to be successful in, it is the most complex. Take it from an individual that has been working for himself for fourteen years. Gold Buyers and gold Sellers have so much to worry about and not enough teachers and mentors to learn from. So let's get started!
I often compare the gold dust industry to being a gambler in Las Vegas. You can sit down at the black jack table and think your the "Big Dog" at the table because your gambling a couple of hundred dollars a hand. Then a total stranger sits down next to you and starts gambling a couple of thousand dollars a hand. Before you know it, there is someone that jumps in for one hand and places a $20,000 bet on one hand! You ask, "What does this have to do with gold?" You're never the "Big Dog" in the gold industry. Someone is always bigger and been around longer than you. Even more importantly, they seem more successful than you(emphasis on "seem"). Don't let this distract you from your goals or morals.
I always tell all of my Registered Brokers and Intermediaries that there is so much money to go around that everyone will get their fair cut. I have seen friends stop talking to each other, families that break apart, businesses get dissolved, and lawyers get rich (the last one is a bad joke). All of this sometimes because of a miscommunication. Many times because of jealousy that someone is going to make money. Think about it. It hasn't even been made yet! In this industry, it most likely won't be made either.
That leads me to why I wrote this article about the "Ten Rules For Gold Dust Buyers & Gold Dust Sellers". Hopefully, those of you that have not gotten tempted by the envy and greed will understand and preach these rules. For those of you that are already tainted, maybe it's not too late. I can tell you this.....
1. Work with a mentor or consultant
You will achieve success faster if you can have someone or better still a team who knows the gold industry, guiding you along the way. This is obvious, as you do not want to waste your precious time and effort repeating the mistakes others have already made in the gold industry.
2. Acquire necessary skillsPeople who are successful in the gold industry become so by being prepared to invest in themselves and to acquire new skills and thinking. You need to learn to think differently and think differently than the people you may currently associate with through your social life. Why? Buyers and Sellers in the gold industry come from all walks of life and from all over the world.
3. Focus your efforts
Once you have decided that you want to be part of the alluvial gold dust industry, you must focus and apply the right amount of efforts required to become successful. Many people fail because they are distracted by many other things in life.
4. Know who you are dealing with
I can not tell you how important this is. Like all other business dealings, good referrals are the way to go. You should feel comfortable when dealing with new Buyers/Sellers/ and Intermediaries. This also is true for when you begin hiring transporters, security, and other services that are needed in the gold industry. If you feel comfortable with that entity, then ask if they can refer someone (you should still conduct your due diligence though).
5. Document all details
Get passports, government id's, telephone numbers, and emails of EVERYONE you are dealing with. Or you can become a member of DREAM System, LLC which does this for you ( a shameless plug). Also, it might be wise to begin a journal to record times, dates, and events for a specific gold transaction. This can help keep your thoughts straight and aid in future gold transaction decisions. It may also serve as a training tool if you decide to build a team.
6. Due diligence is a must
All I need to tell you on this is that I built a whole company on this rule. If that does not tell you how important it is, nothing will.
7. Be patient - it will be worth it
I do not know why every new comer to this industry rushes to close a deal. There are no standards in this industry. It might take weeks to close a deal, in some cases it might take a year. As I already stated, you might only get one chance at this.
8. Build a foundation that will last forever
Your contact list is very important. It will become your holy grail in this industry. Do not add people that claim to be Buyers or Sellers...make sure they are. This will put yourself in the best possible situation when a trusted mentor or affiliate is looking to close that alluvial gold transaction and you can bring the other end to the table. Remember, an investor is just another name if they don't invest. I know it might make you feel good that you have a large list of contacts, but the larger the list the greater the chance of failure. Ten good contacts is all you need to be successful. Try to keep this list equal between Buyers, Sellers, and Intermediaries.
9. Treat others like you would like to be treated
I know it sounds very cliche-ish. An industry where sometimes it seems like you are going nowhere can be frustrating. Do not release that frustration on your affiliates or partners. I personally believe in karma. So I believe that if you can put some good into the gold dust industry, the Alluvial Gold Dust Gods will reward you. Saying that, my job is to find the the frauds and scammers and they don't seem to get far at all.
10. GIVE BACK!!!!
I just don't mean when you close a deal too. The gold industry is suffering because of lack of cooperation between its peers. Don't be scared to call leaders in the industry and ask their opinion. Try to be part of their team and gain experience. Also, you should try to teach others what you have already learned. Notice, I did not say give away your contacts.
There is plenty to learn in the gold industry. Every day I am amazed with the people I meet from all around the world and the knowledge I gain. This industry might be one of the most difficult, but the benefits are well worth it.
Your truly,
Roger Singh
President of DREAM System, LLC
Friday, February 26, 2010
For years now D.R.E.A.M. System, LLC has worked with government officials throughout the world to stop the spread of fraud and crime in the alluvial gold dust industry. DREAMS only deals with registered Buyers, Sellers, and Intermediaries/Brokers. Their vetting system has helped to prevent DREAMS affiliates and intermediaries stay clear of fraud and scams. Roger Singh is the brain child behind D.R.E.A.M. System's revolutionary registered and vetting process. After working with some of the largest private alluvial gold buyers in the United States, Roger went on to create DREAM System, LLC.
"My heart goes out to all those that have lost money in the gold industry, but there is change right around the corner", says Roger. DREAMS has just released a new procedure system to purchase alluvial gold dust and gold dore. "Just like what DREAMS has done to prevent alluvial gold fraud, DREAMS has now moved into placing gold dust buyers and gold dust sellers in an almost risk free environment", says Roger. DREAMS has been working on this system for over a year now. It is now open to private investors, gold dust and dore buyers, and gold dust and dore sellers. You still must be registered and vetted to become part of this service. Their registration fee is $300 and an additional vetting fee may be charged depending on background, location, and amount of information provided.
More information about their products will becoming within weeks along with new websites.
- Vivian Pace from the Office of DREAM System, LLC
Monday, December 28, 2009
Gold Price is Falling as Stock Rise???
Bill Bonner, 24 Dec '09
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
There are many sites on the Internet that provide an excellent education about various precious metals such as gold and platinum, and one should never consider getting into the precious metals market without a thorough understanding of every aspect of the metal of interest, including its mining history, differences in value, history of values, market routes, all uses, best known dealers, political impact on the value, pitfalls, risks, what is possible and what is not possible, and much more.
Buying and selling gold can be as simple a transaction as working with a local coin dealer or jeweler for small amounts such as heirloom jewelry or a few coins. When the amounts are significant, transactions are much, much more complicated and should not be handled without experienced and specialized advice, again - from a reputable precious metals expert.
Gold scams are among the most popular of the precious metals scams. Gold scams have been a traditional scams among the Nigerian fraudster families for generations.
Gold scams come in many forms, from buying phony gold mines to buying non-existent gold bullion. Many gold scam deals involve gold supposedly stashed in the Philippines, in Swiss vaults; left over from the Marcos regime, from World War II Nazis, straight from mines located in Nigeria or other African nations; in 99.9 gold bars, powder, refined, unrefined, and on and on.
Scam artists often want the victim to show up at some bank with a suitcase full of money. The money isn't going into the bank, the suitcase is merely being "exchanged for pure gold". Whatever the means of money exchange, it is always "in advance" of the release of [fake] documents or the non-existent gold or coated ingots. That is why these scams are generically known as Advance Fee Fraud.
Sometimes the scams are simple, sometimes complex involving securities, BLOCKED FUNDS, insurances, special transportation arrangements, PARALLEL ACCOUNTS, banks in several countries, the Federal Reserve, HISTORICAL GOLD BONDS, and whatever combination needs to be assembled to part the unwary from their money. Some of the more popular scenarios involve Arab princes or emirs (usually princes) and royal family names are bandied about with abandon. Regardless of the claimed title or affiliation, it is always a name or title that is meant to inspire a feeling of privilege in the target: Rubbing elbows with the rich and famous.
All documents are fake. Some were the genuine article once upon a time, but those shown to buyers or sellers caught up in these scams have been greatly altered to fit the occasion. This includes documents of authenticity, assayers' reports, customs documents, insurance documents, shipping documents, sales documents, provenance reports, ownership transfer documents, bank documents, storage documents, mine reports, etc., etc.
One must also watch for attempts at incriminating the targeted victim by way of persuading the target to lie about the source of the gold, supposedly in order to slip the shipment past local or international restrictions. This gives the fraudster leverage over the target to use at a later date to manipulate the target into obtaining more funds. The leverage is entirely fake, but the target doesn't know this and believes he or she has broken the law and may rot away in a foreign jail for the rest of his life.
Gold dust Sellers beware! My company, DREAM System, LLC has started a campaign to stop the massive frauds and scammers that take advantage of innocent gold dust investors. We have started informing ALL gold dust Buyers NOT to purchase until the gold dust Seller has been vetted (verified that they are real).
Not to worry gold dust Sellers! Since the gold dust Buyers are vetted too, you should have no reason to be paranoid with your alluvial gold dust transactions unless you're a fraud. Isn't it time you all found real jobs or work for a real gold dust Seller? It always amazes me the amount of energy, resources, and conning that goes into these fake gold dust transactions. Why not apply it to the real deal? DREAMS is changing the gold dust industry, so it's time you fraudulent gold dust Sellers move on!
Written by Roger Singh of D.R.E.A.M. System, LLC at or
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Alluvial Gold Dust Industry- The Ultimate Scam?
The alluvial gold dust industry is a breeding ground for fraud and scams. This unregulated, never closely watched, internet based industry is plagued with scams. Many of the world governments try to prevent this, but they under estimate one very important component, the component of "greed".
Greed is why I see so many grown men cry in the last five years of being in the alluvial gold dust industry. These gold Buyers and gold Sellers let their guards down in hope of prosperity. The gold Buyers send their life savings to a stranger that they never met, that pretends that fiat money is someway better than gold, half way around the world. The gold Sellers send gold dust to burnt, unremorseful, revengeful gold Buyers that will do anything to get out of the position that they were put into by a fraudulent alluvial gold transaction. What a vicious cycle!
The answer to the problem is quite simple. First, put a set of procedures that EVERYONE must follow. That includes gold Buyers, gold Sellers, and gold Intermediaries. Second, have the person or company that you are dealing with be vetted by a neutral third party. They will have no reason to lie to you. Lastly, always utilize local resources that you can trust. An example is your banker, lawyer, consultants, etc. Build on people you can trust and go from there. If you do it backwards, you might be the next grown man or woman crying in front of me. How much longer can we be oblivious to this corrupted system? Let's all start by educating ourselves.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
India Buys 200 Tons of Gold- Move shows little confidence in the dollar
The dollar is still losing its luster as the foreign reserve currency of choice.
India has bought 200 tons of gold from the International Monetary Fund at $1,045 an ounce, which is close to a recent record high of $1,070. The entire transaction is worth almost $7 billion.
The move is seen as a way for India’s central bank to move some of its capital away from investments in the dollar.
The IMF may sell another 200 tons of gold in the relatively near future and most experts expect that the buyer will be China, which has foreign currency reserves of $2 trillion and might like to have its own hedge against the value of the American buck.
India is being explicit in its concern about the long-term value of the dollar. One senior official of the central bank there told The Wall Street Journal, “It makes sense to buy gold as it will appreciate more than the U.S. dollar.”
The equity markets may stay volatile as the global economic recovery stays uncertain, giving central banks and investors another reason to move to gold as a “safe haven”.
The transition to the commodity may drive down the dollar’s value even further, which could help U.S. exporters, but that is bound to increase the concern that the dollar is no longer the most important exchange currency.
Top Stocks writer Douglas A. McIntyre is an editor at 24/7 Wall St.
To read more about this article, please click here,1351070
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Death of Petro-Dollar
To say the Jackass was excited in the last few days would be a gross understatement. This is a lock for gold to hit $1500 within months, and $2000 within a year. This is a lock for silver to hit $30 within months, and some screaming figure within a year that cannot be fathomed right now, like $50. Be sure to see almost zero follow-up for this story in the crumbling US press networks, widely compromised, distrusted, and even mocked in recent months.
A quick read is required of two articles by Robert Fisk. He touches at the surface on a great many relevant and salient points. This story and its vast consequences will be discussed and analyzed for a full year. This is the biggest story on the USDollar in decades, sure to further develop. This is the biggest financial story since Lehman Brothers was eliminated, since AIG was hidden under the USGovt roof, and since Fannie Mae fraud was shoved in the USGovt basement, one year ago. To say this is not orchestrated by China is professed ignorance. They warned the US not to monetize the federal debt. We did. They warned the US not to reappoint Bernanke as USFed Chairman. We did. Next is transformation with consequences. A new important alliance has formed, which does not involve the United States and Great Britain in decisions. Their nations will drift in isolation. The great majority cannot comprehend or envision such change. Give them time. The most visible changes will come with the value of Gold & Silver, and the demoted USDollar exchange rate. Foreigners were welcomed for their purchase of our vast rafts of debt, but next comes impact from debt failure.
When one combines the 0% US interest rate feeder system that shreds the USDollar with leveraged machinery designed by Wall Street itself, with the US$ rejection heralded by the Saudis side by side with their numerous global customers, the conclusion is easy. That is, easy except to the biased bankers who continue to occupy the corridors of finance on Wall Street. The conclusion is the death of the USDollar is written in stone, and a USTreasury default lies down the road. If you believe the 8-9 year timeframe cited by Fisk and denied by the Saudis, then you believe in fairy tales. This timetable is much more palatable to sell to the US/UK maestros, much less threatening in words for a total disruption with overturned tables. The timing of the transition away from the Petro-Dollar will not be 8-9 years, not in this world. The rapidly decaying financial platforms and structures will dictate a much more rapid timetable. Within a year, the Saudis with Russians and Chinese on each arm, will announce the further degradation and deterioration of the US and UK banks, if not entire financial system, dictate an accelerated timetable, more like 2-3 years. It will still seem like Chinese Water Torture into a golden barrel with silver lining, as the dollar typed water turns acidic.
By the way, the World Economic Forum Report just released their list of the most stable nations financially. They ranked the US & UK at #37 and #38. They give the maestros who manage their colossal busts far too much credit. A first hand inspection would reveal far more prevalent devastation and ruin.
The end of the de-facto standard carries enormous consequences. Two structural pillars have kept the USDollar in its primal position. Banking sysetms across the world are built around the USTreasury Bond reserves storage and management. Purchase & Sale of petroleum is conducted in US$ terms for almost all transactions globally. The former has been under attack for several months, as diversification of reserves is the theme. The latter will next be under attack for a couple years, as abandonment is the theme. Few seem to acknowledge the ‘Other Side’ to the Petro-Dollar de-facto standard. Sure, Saudis led the entire OPEC to price and sell crude oil in US$ terms. But the other side to the deal has been military protection for the Saudis, but also the Persian Gulf nations generally. The ravaging of Iraq can be seen as example of such protection. The Saudis must soft soap and tap dance in denials, so as to avoid a sinister attack of their nation. A Chinese banker has a great quote cited by Fisk in his article. He said, “America and Britain must be very worried. You will know how worried by the thunder of denials this news will generate.” Or possibly the shattering noise from its total avoidance!!
Russia is the quiet new player. They are often dismissed by the unaware US legions as a broken nation, as they cite autocrat leaders, with great resources to be sure, but with such frequent breach of contract in Western property confiscation (see Royal Dutch Shell, British Petroleum) that partnership seems unlikely for development with the vast engineering expertise offered by Western firms. When the dust clears in the next couple years, Russia will emerge in three key respects. 1) Russia will be the military protector to both sides in the Persian Gulf, both Arab and Iranian. 2) Russia will be the major commodity super market supplier to Europe, both energy and metals. 3) Russia will surprisingly present new financial systems to shock the West, in the form of barter systems, in the form of reliable commodity contract systems, in the form of precious metal vault facilities.
If there is one quintessential error made by the West generally and uniformly in the geopolitical shakeup extending from the Paradigm Shift away from the USDollar, it is the perception of Russia in the next chapter. They will provide tremendous follow-through for the Chinese spearhead to unseat and de-throne the USDollar. With Chinese shiny new industry, Chinese emerging consumer class, Russian commodity supermarkets, and Russian military presence, the face of the globe will change significantly, to the surprise of the compromised and failing US/UK former titans. The main question is how peacefully the fascists pass the baton of power to the East. Watch the hidden murder of bankers for clues.
Many other implications will be analyzed in the October Hat Trick Letter. They are numerous. Americans have blinders to the fact that since the Persian Gulf nations have been tied to the USDollar, their property market bubble & bust coincide with that of the United States. Many of their projects and banks are in ruins. See Dubai. A string of bank failures in that region comes very soon, whose ripples will extend to London and New York, maybe even Germany and Switzerland.
The falling USDollar that comes in the next several months will lift the entire cost structure to the USEconomy, further hampering the mythical recovery. Talk of export trade vitalization is just that, all talk. Domestic producers and banks are being squeezed, as the production supply capacity will shrink, economists all the while oblivious. See the fateful car industry and its supply chain. See the technology industry and its further shift to Asia. See the tragic collapse of California. See the inevitable liquidation of commercial property, from foreclosure and impossible mortgage refinance in rollover. See the unwise USCongress tax hikes to small business. See the cowardly FDIC fee hike (14-fold in two years) to banks. On the other side of oceans, foreign customers are hurting. The big story from the USDollar impact will be rising higher costs throughout the US lands, where incomes will continue to fall. It is called a cost squeeze.
The broad list of nations involved in the secret talks testifies to two important factors. They do not wish to include the US/UK. The list of Russia, China, Japan, and France pretty much covers the important regions of the world. These factors testify to the further isolation of the US/UK, which bear rising risk of entry into the Third World in a forced march. The British will be forced eventually to abandon the British Pound and join the Euro, according to Fisk.
News flash! Robert Fisk gives a very credible interview regarding the background leading up to his story about the Arabs, Russians, and Chinese decision to reprice crude oil in a basket of currencies other than the USDollar. He also mentions Germany as being one of the participants. The Germans are the important transition design brain trust in the backgroud, like with their counsel for Dubai to demand gold bullion from corrupt London custodians, after Germany did the same to corrupt New York custodians. The financial trade war forecasted by the Jackass in 2005 and 2006 between the United States and China is finally here in fever pitch. The departure and dismantle of the Petro-Dollar standard will usher in a more dangerous phase of that trade war, one to include a battle of the crude oil in the Middle East region. The US leaders have been so pre-occupied with adventures in foreign lands, that they have lost sight of the US isolation in its own hemisphere. See the missing $50 billion from the Iraqi Reconstruction Fund that nobody is even searching for. See the Chinese deals to capture new Athabasca oil sand output from Western Canada. See the upcoming halt of Venezuelan oil shipped to the US. See the new Chinese protectors of the Panama Canal. See the depletion of Mexican oil deposits and rapid deterioration into a failed state. By the way, another motive for the Iraq War liberation was to disconnect (illegally of course) China from its oil product concessions with Saddam, that are in the process of reversal and remedy. The USGovt foreign policy does not remotely have citizen interests in mind.
The emergence of the Intl Monetary Fund is a strange story, one that seemed unlikely a year ago. But the big push by Russia, China, India, Brazil (the BRIC nations), and others has resulted in more credibility for the IMF basket of currencies. The big wrinkle for the IMF currency basket is that it will include a gold component. Some clarification. The IMF ‘gold sales’ in recent years have been actually closure of past short gold transactions between nations, usually the US as borrower. Their short covers have been described erroneously as new sales, when they are actually purchase buybacks to end the short position. The next chapter for IMF in the Gold Halls could easily be large scale gold bullion purchases
The byline of the past year could be written as the ‘End of US Lackeys’ quite accurately. The Japanese have a new #1 trade partner in China. After the surprise election of Hatoyama in Tokyo, his first state visit as Prime Minister was with Beijing. Take that as a hint that Japan will no longer act as US Lackey. Watch the Bank of Japan and Yen currency management. The Japanese Yen is a key signal to the transition of the US$ to the trash heap. The other nation soon to shed its lackey role is Saudi Arabia. They have crawled into bed with the Kremlin, in a necessary step to maintain military protection. They need it in order to continue their control of the last resource wealth the nation offers. The Saudi Royals are setting up shop in the south of Spain for retirement homes. The Saudis might open the first big new foreign bank accounts in Russia’s emerging financial system that Western analysts are blind to. Talk about a tall breeze from a mammoth shift of funds! The deal between Saudis and Russians is certain to have many sides.
The deal to support the shutdown of the Petro-Dollar contract between the US and Saudis represents the latest big piece to the Comprehensive Chinese Plan. Note the Yuan Swap facility to aid global trade (check Brazil). Note the transition to the Yuan in the Chinese banking deposits. Note the ASEAN emergency fund in Yuan accounts. Note the announced dishonor of OTC derivative contracts with a declared Stop Loss. Note the accumulation of gold by the Chinese central bank and permission for citizens to save in gold also. The Chinese have embarked on a comprehensive plan that escapes Western financial media analysts. This latest development is a climax step that changes gears of the transition.
The biggest object investments to the newly hatched Dollar Carry Trade are gold, crude oil, and perhaps the long-term German Bund. Gold has a share of the investment using free US$ money borrowed at near 0%. The US$ inherent risk is minimal, since carry trade players will ensure the US$ decline, even strong-arm policy makers. The USFed will thereby fund the demise of the USDollar with free money, as Saudis, Russians, and Chinese manage the global abandonment project. Gold is breaking out. It is doing so at the slowest possible pace in order to minimize the passengers aboard the train, in order to maximize the acquisition of physical gold by China. They do NOT want a rapid rise during their powerful and very hidden accumulation. Recall that China is in control of the gold price nowadays, since the US-China trade war has its central feature the battle over Gold and the USDollar in global banking supremacy.
Gold is working toward the initial 1130 target. The next important target remains 1300 on the horizon. Then comes the moon shot! They will both come as sure as the sun rises. The USTreasury bubble is finally being recognized as the biggest bubble since US housing. It has no future upside, only downside. The USTreasury bubble constitutes a feeder system for Gold & Silver, alongside the Dollar Carry Trade. The financial networks offer humorous downplay of gold, as they continue in their failure to recognize the broken USDollar, the bubble in USTreasurys, the broken US banks, the broken USGovt finances, and the broken US homeowner, and probably the broken US industry.
In recent days, talk on the financial networks is heard of the Gold price still down from the 1980 peak in inflation adjusted terms. Focus on peak ignores the twenty more recent years. How shallow! They ignore the historical developments underway. Gold will be taking a role in the new IMF basket, a requirement for crude oil purchase in the global marketplace. The unavoidable truth is that the major global currencies are in a long process of destruction, as central banks continue their debauchery with ultra-low interest rates to salvage their insolvent banks and provide constant stimulus for moribund economies. The global monetary system is in a long process of crumbling, as the USDollar undergoes a long process of abandonment. The urgent message is clear. The first nations to discard the USDollar and embrace even an IMF global currency basket, will emerge as the next leaders. The basket is a Straw Man transition device toward global gold-backed currencies, of which there will be at least three eventually.
The gold breakout will receive an extra powerful jet assist when the USDollar descends into the depths, like below 72. It is written in stone. It will come. BUT GOLD LEADS THE CURRENCY PARADE, as the Competing Currency War joins many currencies in the downward march. The ultimate long-term goal for the DX index is 53, with a pit stop at 67. The wretched USGovt finances and worsening insolvency of US banks will guarantee it. The only favorable factor working on behalf of US$ support is the almost equally horrendous condition of foreign currencies. The Dollar Carry Trade will ensure the US$ will decline without mercy, via leverage, those wondrous devices that have turned against their masters in the financial engineering laboratories. The Dollar Carry Trade assures both the end of the US$ as Global Reserve Currency, and the relentless decline in its value.
Capital controls might eventually be attempted on US shores, but a tragic practical fact of life will be clear. The USGovt will experience great difficulty to execute a single national program ever again. Credibility is on the wane. Watch various publicized initiatives and other hidden programs. Further games and gimmicks played with gold will be obstructed by the same team that sponsored the Saudi Petro-Dollar story. In fact, gold is about to go to FRONT ROW.
The only way out, but kicking and screaming, is a return of real money and real notes used as legal tender. It will probably occur in the distant future, but against a backdrop of probable USTreasury default and a reconstruction of America. If you doubt such an outrageous forecast, just wait. Debt collapse does strange things. Credit supply cutoff does strange things. End to US$ free credit card does strange things.
Past important Jackass forecasts, entered years before they occurred, include the following. In 2004, called for rising US trade gap even despite falling USDollar. In 2005, called for endless housing bear market. In 2006, called for heated trade war with China. In 2006, called for a broken insolvent US banking system. In 2007, called for absolute bond crisis in the United States if not the world. In 2007, called for rejection and end of the de-factor Petro-Dollar standard (sale of Saudi oil exclusively in US$). In 2008, called for lost USDollar global reserve currency status, and eventual USTreasury default. Get ready for change. This is Grand Paradigm Shift on a global scale. Prepare for it or be ruined by it!! Ride the TSUNAMI of change or be drowned and crushed by it!!
See the King World News series on ‘Systemic Failure’ in its four parts where the Jackass is interviewed in a logical comprehensive argument. The third segment is to be posted before this weekend of October 10th. One final segment will be added next week, the conclusion. The King World News has had a stream of stellar guests from the highest tiers, that recently included Jim Sinclair, Gerald Celente, and Chris Whalen. See their front page for numerous interviews They slipped in the Jackass to kick up some sand, and to add spice.
Jim Willie CBEditor of the "HAT TRICK LETTER"Hat Trick LetterOctober 8, 2009
Jim Willie CB is a statistical analyst in marketing research and retail forecasting. He holds a PhD in Statistics. His career has stretched over 24 years. He aspires to thrive in the financial editor world, unencumbered by the limitations of economic credentials. Visit his free website to find articles from topflight authors at . For personal questions about subscriptions, contact him at
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
The Demise Of The Dollar
In the most profound financial change in recent Middle East history, Gulf Arabs are planning – along with China, Russia, Japan and France – to end dollar dealings for oil, moving instead to a basket of currencies including the Japanese yen and Chinese yuan, the euro, gold and a new, unified currency planned for nations in the Gulf Co-operation Council, including Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait and Qatar.
Secret meetings have already been held by finance ministers and central bank governors in Russia, China, Japan and Brazil to work on the scheme, which will mean that oil will no longer be priced in dollars.
The plans, confirmed to The Independent by both Gulf Arab and Chinese banking sources in Hong Kong, may help to explain the sudden rise in gold prices, but it also augurs an extraordinary transition from dollar markets within nine years.
The Americans, who are aware the meetings have taken place – although they have not discovered the details – are sure to fight this international cabal which will include hitherto loyal allies Japan and the Gulf Arabs. Against the background to these currency meetings, Sun Bigan, China's former special envoy to the Middle East, has warned there is a risk of deepening divisions between China and the US over influence and oil in the Middle East. "Bilateral quarrels and clashes are unavoidable," he told the Asia and Africa Review. "We cannot lower vigilance against hostility in the Middle East over energy interests and security."
This sounds like a dangerous prediction of a future economic war between the US and China over Middle East oil – yet again turning the region's conflicts into a battle for great power supremacy. China uses more oil incrementally than the US because its growth is less energy efficient. The transitional currency in the move away from dollars, according to Chinese banking sources, may well be gold. An indication of the huge amounts involved can be gained from the wealth of Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar who together hold an estimated $2.1 trillion in dollar reserves.
The decline of American economic power linked to the current global recession was implicitly acknowledged by the World Bank president Robert Zoellick. "One of the legacies of this crisis may be a recognition of changed economic power relations," he said in Istanbul ahead of meetings this week of the IMF and World Bank. But it is China's extraordinary new financial power – along with past anger among oil-producing and oil-consuming nations at America's power to interfere in the international financial system – which has prompted the latest discussions involving the Gulf states.
Brazil has shown interest in collaborating in non-dollar oil payments, along with India. Indeed, China appears to be the most enthusiastic of all the financial powers involved, not least because of its enormous trade with the Middle East.
China imports 60 per cent of its oil, much of it from the Middle East and Russia. The Chinese have oil production concessions in Iraq – blocked by the US until this year – and since 2008 have held an $8bn agreement with Iran to develop refining capacity and gas resources. China has oil deals in Sudan (where it has substituted for US interests) and has been negotiating for oil concessions with Libya, where all such contracts are joint ventures.
Furthermore, Chinese exports to the region now account for no fewer than 10 per cent of the imports of every country in the Middle East, including a huge range of products from cars to weapon systems, food, clothes, even dolls. In a clear sign of China's growing financial muscle, the president of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet, yesterday pleaded with Beijing to let the yuan appreciate against a sliding dollar and, by extension, loosen China's reliance on US monetary policy, to help rebalance the world economy and ease upward pressure on the euro.
Ever since the Bretton Woods agreements – the accords after the Second World War which bequeathed the architecture for the modern international financial system – America's trading partners have been left to cope with the impact of Washington's control and, in more recent years, the hegemony of the dollar as the dominant global reserve currency.
The Chinese believe, for example, that the Americans persuaded Britain to stay out of the euro in order to prevent an earlier move away from the dollar. But Chinese banking sources say their discussions have gone too far to be blocked now. "The Russians will eventually bring in the rouble to the basket of currencies," a prominent Hong Kong broker told The Independent. "The Brits are stuck in the middle and will come into the euro. They have no choice because they won't be able to use the US dollar."
Chinese financial sources believe President Barack Obama is too busy fixing the US economy to concentrate on the extraordinary implications of the transition from the dollar in nine years' time. The current deadline for the currency transition is 2018.
The US discussed the trend briefly at the G20 summit in Pittsburgh; the Chinese Central Bank governor and other officials have been worrying aloud about the dollar for years. Their problem is that much of their national wealth is tied up in dollar assets.
"These plans will change the face of international financial transactions," one Chinese banker said. "America and Britain must be very worried. You will know how worried by the thunder of denials this news will generate."
Iran announced late last month that its foreign currency reserves would henceforth be held in euros rather than dollars. Bankers remember, of course, what happened to the last Middle East oil producer to sell its oil in euros rather than dollars. A few months after Saddam Hussein trumpeted his decision, the Americans and British invaded Iraq.
By Robert Fisk. Click to link to this article
Friday, July 17, 2009
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev Unveiled “United Future World Currency”

I'm really speechless on this one. I'm sure like the rest of you I can't say, "I didn't see it coming." Believing though, might be a different story. Like always you should view the information and draw your own conclusion. -Roger Singh - The Actual Video - Newspaper Article - Something to think About (read the responses)