Monday, February 2, 2009

Glenn Beck - "An Inconvenient Debt"

To all our readers, you must take the time to read this blog and all of its links. If you don't though, at least look at the Glenn Beck link. Yesterday, the House of Representatives passed a massive lobbyist-written government expansion and enitlement bill that will worsen our economy in the long term. (Fortunately, the Senate can still stop it). The $825 billion economic stimulus program will create a terrible tax burden on Americans, our children and grandchildren. It will create new government programs that will not help our economic situation since it is these very types of programs that have gotten us into this mess. Like giving drugs to an addict, it will give more money to state and local government so they can continue to waste local tax dollars to sustain projects built by the Feds! See a list of the wasteful spending at: Read The Stimulus.ORG. Even the Congressional Budget Office points out major problems of these porkbarrel and political projects masquerading as "stimulus".Together with uncontrollable printing of money by the Federal Reserve, massive and irresponsbile govenment spending is crippling our country. Consider the amount of money printed by the Federal Reserve in the last year to cover these spending programs and other "bailouts" (as popularized on Glen Beck Show this week: "An Inconvenient Debt"). This uncontrollable printing of money is destroying the value of the dollar and risking massive inflation - a hidden tax. This massive inflation can destroy economies and countries (see the recent unrest in Iceland where the government is crumbling due to a financial crisis). A good case for abolishing our Federal Reserve and restoring the Gold Standard ended in 1971 by Richard Nixon.The House of Representatives passed this in a one sided vote favored only by those who like big government. Please pass this on!